Thursday, April 26, 2012

Flotilla Protests Homework (Marc3pax)

1. Have you had a look on various sources to find out what Marc does?
    I googled Marc, and found out many different interesting information about him. First thing first, his real name is Omer Gershon and he is an Israel actor even though he claimed himself to be an American gay rights activist. Second, he participated in Israel hoax campaign that was created in order to support Israel government's blockade of Gaza. and last but not least, this video (a hoax) was produced and released on to YouTube by the Israel government. Also, the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activist community claim the video to be pink-washing, meaning the way in which Israel government makes cynical use of both Palestinian and Israeli homosexual communities in order to market Israel.

Source:  +

2. How does this video related to the flotilla movement?
    This video is the result of the Israel government attempt to trick viewers and convinced them into thinking that Palestinian, Hamas and the Flotilla movement is bad. They are trying to shove that image of the Flotilla movement being a discriminating, violent, and murderous movement. The Israel government are trying to pull as many people on their side as they can using this video.

3. Is the video objective?
    Of course the video is NOT objective. It's a hoax. The Israel government is behind this, and for sure they have to be biased in order for us to "want" to support them. They are involved in the Palestinian-Israel conflict, so all they are doing is "casting all of their sin onto their scapegoat".

4. Is there evidence supporting Marc3pax's findings? 
    Nope. He didn't gave evidence on many of his "information" about the Hamas and the Palestinian government. Though he did gave one on the letter the to-be call "the Flotilla". But we still don't know if t's true or not because the zooming in was way too fast. We don't know which organization did he write into, or did he even wrote to them or just make it up. We don't even know if the "email" is real, was it a reply email FROM the Flotilla. So at the end of the day, this whole thing is a hoax, a trick that the Israel government play to mess with our mind in order to benefit them.

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