Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking your source

  • Read/Check/Watch your information TWICE! 
  • Research on basic information related to the video. Who is presenting you the information? What do they do?
  • Take a closer look and dig a little deeper into your source. Cross-checking the information that was provided to you. What is their primary intentions? When was this information produced?
  • Asking lots and lots of question about everything that was said, or to be claim, doubting the information that was provided in order to see if assertion was used.
  • Looking for hidden messages.  
  • Try to decide the main purpose why they are providing your this information. Who is their target audience?
  • Check for evidence. Do every single piece of information given to you is true? Is the information provided reliable? (have evidence) 
Summary of questions that you need to ask:
  • Who is presenting you the information? 
  • What is their primary intentions?
  • Who is their target audience?
  • Is the information provided reliable?
  • When was this information produced?
  • Is this information biased?

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