Monday, April 30, 2012

Copyright and the Law

  • Copyright: 
    • The ownership of an intellectual property within the limits prescribed by a particular nation's or international law.
    • The exclusive rights and protection given to an author or creator of an original work.
  • Copyfree: A type of licensing that make the distribution of a piece of work available at no charge of commercial use
  • Trademark: A name, symbol, word, phrase, icons, etc. that is registered by the law to represent a company or a product and legally restricted to the use of owner/manufacturer. 
  • Creative commons: 
    • A organization that distribute copy-free products
    • Copyright license that allow the distribution of copyrighted products
  • Royalty free: The right to use copyrighted product without paying any license charges
  • GNU licensed: A free-software that helps in the distribution of copy-free works
  • Public domain: Available of belong to the public

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking your source

  • Read/Check/Watch your information TWICE! 
  • Research on basic information related to the video. Who is presenting you the information? What do they do?
  • Take a closer look and dig a little deeper into your source. Cross-checking the information that was provided to you. What is their primary intentions? When was this information produced?
  • Asking lots and lots of question about everything that was said, or to be claim, doubting the information that was provided in order to see if assertion was used.
  • Looking for hidden messages.  
  • Try to decide the main purpose why they are providing your this information. Who is their target audience?
  • Check for evidence. Do every single piece of information given to you is true? Is the information provided reliable? (have evidence) 
Summary of questions that you need to ask:
  • Who is presenting you the information? 
  • What is their primary intentions?
  • Who is their target audience?
  • Is the information provided reliable?
  • When was this information produced?
  • Is this information biased?

Flotilla Protests Homework (Marc3pax)

1. Have you had a look on various sources to find out what Marc does?
    I googled Marc, and found out many different interesting information about him. First thing first, his real name is Omer Gershon and he is an Israel actor even though he claimed himself to be an American gay rights activist. Second, he participated in Israel hoax campaign that was created in order to support Israel government's blockade of Gaza. and last but not least, this video (a hoax) was produced and released on to YouTube by the Israel government. Also, the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activist community claim the video to be pink-washing, meaning the way in which Israel government makes cynical use of both Palestinian and Israeli homosexual communities in order to market Israel.

Source:  +

2. How does this video related to the flotilla movement?
    This video is the result of the Israel government attempt to trick viewers and convinced them into thinking that Palestinian, Hamas and the Flotilla movement is bad. They are trying to shove that image of the Flotilla movement being a discriminating, violent, and murderous movement. The Israel government are trying to pull as many people on their side as they can using this video.

3. Is the video objective?
    Of course the video is NOT objective. It's a hoax. The Israel government is behind this, and for sure they have to be biased in order for us to "want" to support them. They are involved in the Palestinian-Israel conflict, so all they are doing is "casting all of their sin onto their scapegoat".

4. Is there evidence supporting Marc3pax's findings? 
    Nope. He didn't gave evidence on many of his "information" about the Hamas and the Palestinian government. Though he did gave one on the letter the to-be call "the Flotilla". But we still don't know if t's true or not because the zooming in was way too fast. We don't know which organization did he write into, or did he even wrote to them or just make it up. We don't even know if the "email" is real, was it a reply email FROM the Flotilla. So at the end of the day, this whole thing is a hoax, a trick that the Israel government play to mess with our mind in order to benefit them.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Flotilla Protest

Groups of Media that report about the Flotilla Protest:
1. Israeli Media (government)
2. Palestininan Media (government)
3. Israeli Media (citizen)
4. Palestinina Media (citizen)
5. United States Media (government)
6. United States Media (citizen)
7. American Jews
8. Arab Media
9. UN-United Nations Media
10. Pacifist / Protestors (against war)
11. Foreign journalist (Asutralian, European,..)
12. Zionist
13. Hamas

Biased Media:
1. Israeli Media (government)
2. Palestinian Media (citizen)
3. Palestinian Media (government)
4. United States Media (government)
5. Zionist
6. Hamas
7. American Jews
8. Pacifist/ Protestors

Objective Media:
1. Foreign journalist (Australian, European,...)
2. UN-United Nations Media
3. Arab Media
4. United States Media (citizen)
5. Israeli Media (citizen)
6. Pacifist / Protestors

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Propaganda: KONY 2012

Things that I think is true in the KONY 2012 vid: 
1. Making Kony famous will somehow help us capture him
2. The Invisible Children Inc. is a very meaningful and helpful organization that helped make this happen
3. The LRA group is a very dangerous force
4. Kony abducted kids from their house and made them soldiers/sex slave to serve in his rebel army
5. The Invisible Children Inc. meet with the Congressmen to discuss about this issue
6. If no one cares about this issue, then the United States army will not do anything about it.
7. The ICC (International Criminal Court) is after Kony.

Things that I think isn't true in the vid: 
1. All of the money we donate will go straight to Uganda
2. The percentage of the people around the world that don't know about Kony

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I saw that I include some of the keywords that I was required to. But I still didn't have most of them. I did use word like itinery, drop-down list, and validation in my Project Review. I think next time, I will use more keywords that are related to grpahic designing more.